The main objectives of the LIFE MILVUS project are the establishment of a red kite population in the Aspromonte National Park (Italy) and the long-term conservation of the species in Corsica (France).
In the Aspromonte National Park, located in the southern part of Calabria, the red kite has not nested for many decades and has almost completely disappeared in the rest of the region.
In Corsica, the red kite nests more than 260 pairs, most of which are located in the north- west (Regino Valley, Balagne) and in the central part of the island (Ajaccio Region). It is the most important population in France.
At European level, the conservation of the red kite is a priority because it is in Europe that 95% of the world's breeding population is distributed.
By expanding the distribution area of the red kite in Italy and helping the species to remain in a favourable conservation status in Corsica, the LIFE MILVUS project contributes to achieving the objectives of the European Action Plan for the species (2009) and the Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC).
The objectives of the LIFE MILVUS project also include:
- increasing knowledge of population status and trends;
- increasing knowledge about factors posing a direct and indirect threat to the species;
- the reduction of direct or indirect threats (disturbance of nesting sites, electrocution, illegal use of poison, habitat loss, etc.);
- the identification and protection of sensitive areas;
- raising awareness among the local population and institutional actors.
Coordinating beneficiary: Ente Parco Nazionale dell'Aspromonte
Associated beneficiaries: CEN Corse Conservatoire d'Espaces Naturels Corse, E- Distribuzione S.p.A. , Calabria Region
Project areas: Aspromonte National Park (Italy), Corsica (France)
Duration: 01/10/2019 to 30/09/2025
Budget: 2.103.484 €
EC contribution: 1.262.090 €
Beneficiary contribution: 841.394 €