The LIFE MILVUS project includes direct actions in favor of the red kite, monitoring activities of the species, and initiatives aimed at raising awareness among the population and relevant interest groups.
Aspromonte National Park
Reintroduction of red kites by releasing around 90 young individuals taken from nests in donor areas.
Activation of five feeding stations (feeders) for red kites, where safe, quality food will be provided in cooperation with local breeders.
Insulation of 250 medium voltage (15 Kv) power line poles in sensitive areas.
Deployment of Anti-poison Dog Units managed by the CUFAA (Carabinieri’s Forest, Environmental and Agri-food Protection Unit Command) and organisation of a course on counteracting the poisoning of fauna for the staff of the Carabinieri’s PNA Department.
Clearing vegetation to reduce the risk of fire around 20 vulnerable nests.
Conclusion of an agreement with landowners to protect 20 sensitive areas and to eliminate the use of rodenticides.
Conclusion of agreements with 10 local administrations to introduce regulations in town planning regulations for the protection of 20 sensitive areas (nesting sites, roosts, feeding areas).

The red kite in feeding
Aspromonte National Park
Monitoring of released kites to assess the results of the reintroduction programme using GPS/GSM data loggers, field observations and monitoring of feeder use (video surveillance and photo traps).
Analysis of biological samples to investigate the presence of heavy metals and any other toxic substances.
Monitoring of the red kite population by field research and use of GPS/GSM data loggers.
Analysis of biological samples to investigate the presence of heavy metals and any other toxic substances.
Awareness raising
Dissemination of information material (brochures, leaflets, etc.).
Carrying out an educational campaign in schools (classroom lessons, production of an educational booklet and cartoon, etc.).
Implementation of a 'door-to-door' campaign at tourist facilities in the Aspromonte National Park.
Development of an awareness-raising campaign to combat the illegal use of poison and the use of rodenticides aimed at farmers, breeders and hunters.
Installation of information panels.
Display of an advertising stand at public events in Corsica.
In addition, networking activities are developed with those managing other projects in favour of the red kite at European level in order to share useful information that can help improve the effectiveness of the interventions carried out.