Since March 2023, an educational program has been underway in the Aspromonte National Park that aims to introduce the red kite to primary and secondary school pupils. In particular, the activity involves the two Comprehensive Institutes that insist in the Grecanica area (the IC of Bova Marina-Condofuri and the IC of Melito), the area of the Park that is the focus of the reintroduction of the red kite carried out under the LIFE MILVUS project.
The educational campaign, developed by the operators of CIMA GRECA srls with the coordination of the Park Authority, has immediately gained the interest and adherence of school staff and is recording the enthusiastic involvement of students. Classroom lectures will be held in more than 80 classes in the two institutions focusing on the red kite, the LIFE MILVUS project, the ecological role of necrophagous raptors and threats to their conservation. Practitioners can also rely on an educational toolkit for their interventions, which includes a cartoon notebook, a puzzle, a goose game and a set of three-dimensional elements illustrating the diet of the red kite. A poster on the LIFE MILVUS project is given to each class taking part in the educational program.
More than 1,000 students will attend the classroom lectures and, in addition, will be able to participate in a drawing contest that will end with all participants being awarded prizes and a special prize being given to those designated as winners.

Lesson on the red kite

Lesson on the red kite

Learning materials on the LIFE MILVUS project

Lesson on the red kite