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The LIFE MILVUS project presented in Spain at an event organized by the Province of Badajoz (in the Extremadura region)

On November 19 and 20, 2022, a Nature Festival dedicated to the red kite was held in Extremadura, a region in western Spain. The event, "El milano real en la Raya," took place in Oliva de la Frontera and Valencia del Mombuey and was organized by the Diputación de Bajadoz...

"The LIFE MILVUS project presented in Spain at an event organized by the Province of Badajoz (in the Extremadura region)"Read More
Open post

Operation MILVUS: Anti-poison Dog Units of the Carabinieri forest rangers at work in the Aspromonte National Park

From 23 to 26 May 2022, three Anti-poison Dog Units (UCA) of the Carabinieri forest rangers, consisting of three handlers and four dogs, carried out inspections in the Aspromonte National Park to verify the possible presence and use of poisoned baits in the area. The MILVUS operation was conducted by...

"Operation MILVUS: Anti-poison Dog Units of the Carabinieri forest rangers at work in the Aspromonte National Park"Read More
Open post

Safe poles for red kites: insulation work by E-Distribuzione S.p.A. underway

In March 2022, E-Distribuzione started insulation works that will make 263 supports of the medium-voltage power lines located in the vicinity of the red kite release area, in the southern part of the Aspromonte National Park, safe for birds. Electrocution, in fact, is one of the causes of mortality for...

"Safe poles for red kites: insulation work by E-Distribuzione S.p.A. underway"Read More
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