

Open post

Three interventions for the protection of red kite nesting sites in Corsica completed

In February 2022, three important and sensitive operations were carried out to protect seven red kite nesting sites in the Regino Valley (Corsica) thanks to the collaboration established between the Conservatoire d'Espaces Naturels de Corse and a number of local breeders, the Corsican Agricultural and Rural Development Office, the Community...

"Three interventions for the protection of red kite nesting sites in Corsica completed"Read More
Open post

The activities of the LIFE MILVUS project in Corsica described in the French ornithological bulletin ‘Milan Info’.

'Milan info' is a periodical of the French ornithological association Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux LPO in which ornithologists and researchers publish articles dedicated to the red kite, its conservation status, the problems affecting the species and the initiatives undertaken for its protection. The head of the LIFE MILVUS...

"The activities of the LIFE MILVUS project in Corsica described in the French ornithological bulletin ‘Milan Info’."Read More
Open post

In search of red kites: census and nest monitoring campaign in Basilicata

During the spring of 2021, expert ornithologists, commissioned by the Aspromonte National Park Authority, carried out intensive fieldwork to locate and census red kite nests in a large area of Basilicata. Basilicata is the Italian region that hosts the largest breeding population in the whole of Italy and was therefore...

"In search of red kites: census and nest monitoring campaign in Basilicata"Read More
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